Thursday, December 23, 2010

Develop C/C++ by using Eclipse

Develop C/C++ by using Eclipse..

Now you don't need to use Dosbox kind of tools for developing C sotware..
here's the new tools has been developed for it, name of this tool is eclipse..

you can download the cdt Ecliplse from this website address..
you can get the .exe file from there after download it you have to install that software in your PC.

After install that software, you have to make a project on ecliplse for your C/C++ Work,
How to make a project?
Answer of this important question you can get on eclipse's Help menu.

For help, to creating a project... the path would be like this on eclipse
C/C++ Development User Guide->Getting Started->Creating a simple application

The benefit of developing C software on eclipse is, you can do the debug your code whenever you want.
for that you have to do setup debug on eclipse, process of it we can get on Eclipse's help menu...and the path would be like this..
C/C++ Development User Guide->Getting Started->Debugging projects

I hope you guys get some valuable information..

If you have any question, please post it in reply.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What is .htaccess?

What is .htaccess?

It gives the permission to change configuration information of application on basis of directory, If you want to create .htacces file then first of all you should do enable a directives "allowoverride" on your configuration file of your server(i think php.ini configuration file of Apache server),

It's need when your configuration file of application will be changed frequently?
Whenever you create the .htaccess file in a particular directory, the sub-folder of that particular file will get the access automatically.
suppose there are existing sub-folder module, component and block on drupal folder and your .htaccess file is existing also in drupal folder, in that case you can change the configuration information of all these sub-folder module, component and block,

side effect of .htacces file..
When you do enable the "allowoverride" directives to create .htaccess file. During the loading of your application, there will be checking on each directory for .htaccess file, whether this file is exist or not on particular folder.